Declutter Before You List Your Home For Sale

Monday Nov 04th, 2019


We all know a clean home is more appealing.  But since our lives don’t follow an episode of HGTV, we usually have piles of stuff everywhere, that we mean to put away, but somehow never get around to it.  Eventually we get used to how it looks and stop seeing all the clutter. 

By the time you start thinking about selling your house, you may have an overwhelming task ahead to get it in shape to attract potential buyers.  Where to start?

Tackle it in Stages
First identify the obvious items that need to be thrown out, such as:
outdated furniture
clothes you haven’t worn in years
items you meant to repair, but you are never going to get around to fixing them
boxes you have in the basement – possibly from your last move – that you haven’t opened in years!

Set Aside Enough Time
Start right away!  Even if you may not move for a year, do something every day to get you closer to your decluttering goal.  You will feel a sense of accomplishment and you will be more motivated to continue.
Plan for 2 – 3 hours per room.
Don’t forget the backyard, garage and shed.

Commit to Purge
Allow yourself a few sentimental items to keep.  Perhaps there are some items you can pass along to a family member.  But otherwise, prepare to let it go.
Donate appropriate items.
Seek help from professionals: hire an auction house or a junk removal company; rent a storage container or a garbage bin.

Assess Objectively
Once the clutter is gone, devote time to painting, repairing and cleaning surfaces that may have been hidden.
Your furniture may need rearranging.
Finally add a few key accessories and you are ready for photos and for your home to be listed!

Tags: clutter - organize

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