Getting Your Home Winter Ready!

Sunday Nov 11th, 2018


Daylight savings time has ended and it gets dark so much earlier… winter is just around the corner!
Get these exterior home maintenance tasks completed now, before the cold and snow make you lose your motivation to work outdoors!

  1. Inspect and upgrade lighting around the property: better LED illumination may help you to avoid slipping on icy patches.
  2. Move your shovels and snow blower to the front of the garage for easier access.  Make sure the snow blower is in working order before you need to use it.  Buy salt/sand for the walkways and driveway.
  3. Disconnect hoses and drain exterior faucets.  In homes older than 10 years, you may also need to turn off the shut-off valve inside your home.
  4. Clear leaves and debris from eaves troughs to prevent clogging.  Add extensions to downspouts and point them away from the house to prevent water damage to the foundation.
  5. Minimize drafts and save energy by replacing weather stripping or caulking around windows and doors.
  6. Check the roof for missing shingles and repair breaks in the flashing seals.  Have the chimney inspected.

Have a safe and enjoyable winter!

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