Well Water Testing

Tuesday Aug 07th, 2018


If you currently own, or are considering purchasing, a property that includes a well as the source of drinking water, Public Health Ontario provides free testing for E. coli and total coliforms for private drinking water systems.

Since water quality can change frequently, it is recommended that you test well water often.

It is important to collect your sample properly, in order to get accurate test results.  Water testing kits with instructions are available from a Public Health Ontario laboratory or public health unit.  Follow the steps for sample collection and fill out the required forms.

The sample must be kept cool, dropped off to a designated location in your community as soon as possible and tested within a 48 hour time limit.

Results for indicators of bacterial contamination are usually available within 2-4 days.  If you have any concern of possible chemical contamination, contact your local public health unit.

A well owner is responsible for protecting the quality of the drinking water by properly maintaining the well. 
Prevent surface water or other foreign materials from entering the well. 
Check regularly for signs of rust and wear, cracks, holes or gaps in the well’s structure.  
Check the pump's efficiency.
Ensure the septic tank system works and is pumped out regularly to prevent contamination of your well water.
Hire only a licensed contractor to make repairs.

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