What is a WETT Inspection and When Do You Need One?

Wednesday Mar 10th, 2021


WETT stands for Wood Energy Technology Transfer.
A WETT inspection is done by a certified technician on a wood burning fireplace or woodstove, to ensure it complies with the building code and is safe to use.

Included in a fireplace WETT inspection:
- a detailed look at the chimney
-an evaluation of the liner and flue
-smoke chamber check
-inspection of the damper
-appraisal of the firebox
-look at the hearth and surrounding floor area

A prospective home buyer may include a condition of a WETT inspection in their offer to purchase or an insurance company may require a WETT inspection report before granting home owners a new policy.

If you are preparing to list your home for sale, you should discuss with your Realtor if it makes sense to have your wood burning fireplace inspected first.

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