Who Can Sell the Property of a Relative Who has Passed Away?

Sunday Feb 13th, 2022


If the name of the person on title to a property has passed away, a legal process must be undertaken, whereby the courts formally approve that the deceased’s Will is their valid last Will and confirm the authority of the person(s) named as the Estate Trustee in the deceased’s Will. This is referred to as Probate. If there is not a Will, the process may be more complicated. Consult a lawyer for more information. One of the initial steps is for the property to be assigned a value... [read more]

Home Ownership: Joint Tenants or Tenants In Common

Sunday Jan 7th, 2024


If you own a property with another person, title can be held one of two ways: Joint Tenants This is the most common way for legally married spouses to hold ownership of their home in Ontario. If one of the Joint Tenants dies, there is a right of survivorship and the remaining owner continues as sole owner. Probate is not required. Tenants In Common Each owner has a divided interest in the property. It does not have to be equal ownership. When one of the Tenants In Common dies, their... [read more]



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