5 Top Tips Before Listing Your Home For Sale

Thursday Feb 23rd, 2023


Have you been contemplating selling your home, but are not sure if it’s the right time? Well, the right time is whenever it makes the most sense for your family!

1. Set Realistic Expectations
-selling a home can be stressful; some things aren’t going to go as planned, so just keep reminding yourself to remain patient and calm

2. Hire an Experienced Realtor to Guide You Through the Process
-ask your friends/family for a recommendation and search online reviews
-meet the Realtor and determine if this is someone you feel comfortable with and whom you can trust to look out for your best interests

3. Gather All Important Documents
-Property survey, current property tax bill, utility bills and receipts for recent improvements made, such as installation of hardwood floors, quartz countertops or a new furnace

4. Make the Property Look its Best: Declutter, Depersonalize, Clean, Repair, Paint
-clear family photos and personal items from all surfaces, counters, shelves
-remove extra furniture to make the rooms appear larger and easier to navigate
-do any needed minor repairs, such as changing burnt out light bulbs, fixing a leaky faucet and replacing batteries for remotes
-don’t forget the outside: if listing in winter, you or someone else will to have to shovel the driveway and walkway promptly if it snows

5. Price Your Home Properly from the Start
-work together as a team with your Realtor: know what’s going on in your neighbourhood, ask questions and discuss a pricing strategy, so you can make well informed decisions every step of the way

If you want to chat further about listing your home, contact me!

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